Saturday, January 9, 2010
Happy Ending
How lucky I am?
To join this class and have a good time with you guys!
Before the class, I have never thought about there have so many resource for us to learning Eng.
After this class, I know we are not just packed with English-learning resources, but also learned the other communication, respect,correct attitude..etc.
Especially the last day in class, I learned the most important thing by Sally's talk.
Actually,I thought about it for many days, and suddenly comprehend a lots of things..And I really grateful that I met such a nice teacher who told me like this.
Even in the moment it is very embarrassing, but it worth!
As the Steve Job's talk about "although the medicine was bitter, but patients need it".
I would never forgot those suggestions and these unforgetable memories with you guys.
Thank you all :)
Sincerely yours.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Assignment11:MIT OpenCourseWare
Lots of students dreams of studying abroad, especially studying in the top school named MIT. Now, We don't need to wait until the next life, just link this website and we can become the student of MIT in the internet. How generous the website is? It is all for free, unlike the other website all you have to do is to enter the cource you are interested. You don't need to apply for the complex process to register the account, and then you can download all the video, text, or homework.
I thought these MIT OpenCourseWare is not only good for students to get the knowledge resources, but good for experience the feeling of real class. It may be the most important practice resource for those students who want to take the TOFEL exam.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
BBC-- ask question
I have used the BBC message boards to ask a question, because all posts by new message board members are pre-moderated. That means it will not appear on the message board immediately, so I printscreen the picture to show what question I asked.
Even it's sounds like a stupid question, but it surely make me confusing for a long time. No only the accent but also the vocabulary.for instance: Autumn & Spring.

Assignment10:New Year Reflections
It’s time to reminding what I have done in this year. No kidding, It seems like a terrible year for me, many bad things have a tacit agreement occur at the same time. However, in the face of adversity, I should be grateful, for such opportunities do not come by easily.
Life is impermanent, it exists in the space of a breath, life ends when the breathing stops, so we must cherish every moment. I started asking myself about “How can we be free from the suffering of birth and death”? Only when we nurture our hearts with joy and unselfish giving can we truly release our attachments. As the saying goes, let go of all attachment; only then will you receive something.
Although my intern life occasionally does not go smoothly, but this work greatly improve my abilities and skills not only in dealing and interacting with colleagues or clients but also gaining and accumulating more work experience. To let me know even the tiniest bolt must be screwed on tightly in order to perform its best.
I wish that I can practice mindfulness in my daily life, because a mind free of wandering thoughts develops inner strength. If I can view the world from a different perspective, and the world is vast and wide, to change a different viewpoint and dealing with all matters, and everything will be light and easy.
Wish you a Happy New Year!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Assignment 8: Listen to ESL Podcast 528
Simone wants to get a job, and Renaldo is calling her after the interview:
wage:a regular amount of money that you earn, usually by the hour, for work or services.
salary:money that employees receive for doing their job, especially professional employees or people working in an office, usually paid every year. In USA, a professional job always use this word" salary".
compensation package (n.) 補償方案
(e.g.)Perhaps we can give you an attractive compensation package if the salary isn’t quite what you’re looking for.
be open to (ph.) 向……開放,願意接受
(e.g.)I’m certainly open to negotiations.
comparable (adj.) 類似的;可比較的
(e.g.)Something that is comparable to something else is roughly similar, for example in amount or importance.
jump at (ph.) 急切地接受
(e.g.)it’s a salary that many people would jump at.
close the gap (ph.) 縮小差距
(e.g.)if there’s any way we can close the gap in salary.
ceiling for (ph.) 上限
(e.g.)Well, $60,000 is really the ceiling for that position.
doable (adj.) 可能的
(e.g.)I think it may be doable.
Listening ESL Podcast is a way like listening broadcast in the leisure time. There is a host to explain the detail in the story, and the conversation goes with a slower speed. The stories is more pratical be used in dairy life.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Assignment 7:Steve Jobs' talk
There have some expressions I learned from his talk:
- calligraphy (n.) 書法
[e.g.]Calligraphy is the art of producing beautiful handwriting using a brush or a special pen. - no big deal (ph.) 沒什麼大不了;無所謂;小事一樁
[e.g.]"No big deal"used to say that sth is not important or not a problem. - dorm room (n.) 宿舍
[e.g.]I didn't have a dorm room, so I slept on the floor in friends' rooms. - typography (n.) 印刷術;排印;版面設計
[e.g.]Typography is the way in which written material is arranged and prepared for printing. - subtle (adj.) 不易察覺的;敏銳的;微妙的
[e.g.]Something that is subtle is not immediately obvious or noticeable. - screw up (ph.) 搞砸
[e.g.]If you screw up your eyes or your face, you tighten your eye or face muscles, for example because you are in pain or because the light is too bright. - devastating (adj.) 令人震驚的;駭人的
[e.g.]If you describe something as devastating, you are emphasizing that it is very harmful or damaging. - intestines (n.) 腸
[e.g.]Your intestines are the tubes in your body through which food passes when it has left your stomach. - hitchhike (n.) 搭便車(旅行)
[e.g.]If you hitchhike, you travel by getting lifts from passing vehicles without paying. - sedate (adj.) 鎮定的;泰然的;不慌不忙的
[e.g.]If you move along at a sedate pace, you move slowly, in a controlled way.
Reflect on his thought:
I have to say that I really enjoy the assignment on this week, because Steve Job’s speech brought me much inspiration. 'You've got to find what you love' Jobs says
“Stay hungry, stay foolish” I interpreted that life is once, but learning is endless. Never enough, just keep going and learning. Sometimes we feel sick of studying, maybe we can’t connect the dots looking forward, also can only connect them looking backwards. No matter how the future would like, we have to have the courage to follow our heart and intuition, because they somehow already know what you truly want to become. How important to find the things what we love, then we can get the confident to keep going that we love what we did.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Assignments 6: Randall's Cyber Listening Lab
Day/Date Time:11.16 20:00 to 20:30
Program/Station/Title:Getting Around Tokyo
- I have no idea on how to ride the trains.
- how often do the trains come around this time of day?
- Which train do I need to get on?
- destination (n.): the place to which you are going
(e.g.) It took four hours to arrive at our destination. - platform (n.):a raised area where you can get on and off a train-
(e.g.) Please meet me on the platform 15 minutes before the train is scheduled to leave.
Day/Date Time:11.16 20:35 to 21:10
Program/Station/Title:Vacation Plans
Topic:travel and culture
Speakers:two men
- to be in hot water: to be in a difficult situation or in trouble that might lead to punishment.
(e.g.) you are really in hot water now!
(e.g.) The politician is in hot water because of the he lack of lack of cultural sensitivity to that group. - mailing list (n.): a list of people who subscribe or join a mailing distribution on a particular topic.
(e.g.) I'd like to join a mailing list on studying intercultural communication so I can exchange ideas with others. - common (adj.): the same for many situations and people.
(e.g.) One common gesture of friendship is to greet someone with a firm handshake while looking them in the eye. - crash (adj.):quick, complete, short or intensive, often difficult.
(e.g.) She took crash course in Spanish before she left for Mexico, but I'm not sure if it helped.