Monday, November 16, 2009

Assignments 6: Randall's Cyber Listening Lab

Day/Date Time:11.16 20:00 to 20:30
Program/Station/Title:Getting Around Tokyo
  • I have no idea on how to ride the trains.
  • how often do the trains come around this time of day?
  • Which train do I need to get on?
  • destination (n.): the place to which you are going
    (e.g.) It took four hours to arrive at our destination.
  • platform (n.):a raised area where you can get on and off a train-
    (e.g.) Please meet me on the platform 15 minutes before the train is scheduled to leave.

Day/Date Time:11.16 20:35 to 21:10
Program/Station/Title:Vacation Plans
Topic:travel and culture
Speakers:two men

  • to be in hot water: to be in a difficult situation or in trouble that might lead to punishment.
    (e.g.) you are really in hot water now!
    (e.g.) The politician is in hot water because of the he lack of lack of cultural sensitivity to that group.
  • mailing list (n.): a list of people who subscribe or join a mailing distribution on a particular topic.
    (e.g.) I'd like to join a mailing list on studying intercultural communication so I can exchange ideas with others.
  • common (adj.): the same for many situations and people.
    (e.g.) One common gesture of friendship is to greet someone with a firm handshake while looking them in the eye.
  • crash (adj.):quick, complete, short or intensive, often difficult.
    (e.g.) She took crash course in Spanish before she left for Mexico, but I'm not sure if it helped.

1 comment:

  1. Neat!
    If you could include a short paragraph commenting on the site, that would be better.
