Monday, November 23, 2009

Assignment 7:Steve Jobs' talk

There have some expressions I learned from his talk:

  1. calligraphy (n.) 書法
    [e.g.]Calligraphy is the art of producing beautiful handwriting using a brush or a special pen.
  2. no big deal (ph.) 沒什麼大不了;無所謂;小事一樁
    [e.g.]"No big deal"used to say that sth is not important or not a problem.
  3. dorm room (n.) 宿舍
    [e.g.]I didn't have a dorm room, so I slept on the floor in friends' rooms.
  4. typography (n.) 印刷術;排印;版面設計
    [e.g.]Typography is the way in which written material is arranged and prepared for printing.
  5. subtle (adj.) 不易察覺的;敏銳的;微妙的
    [e.g.]Something that is subtle is not immediately obvious or noticeable.
  6. screw up (ph.) 搞砸
    [e.g.]If you screw up your eyes or your face, you tighten your eye or face muscles, for example because you are in pain or because the light is too bright.
  7. devastating (adj.) 令人震驚的;駭人的
    [e.g.]If you describe something as devastating, you are emphasizing that it is very harmful or damaging.
  8. intestines (n.) 腸
    [e.g.]Your intestines are the tubes in your body through which food passes when it has left your stomach.
  9. hitchhike (n.) 搭便車(旅行)
    [e.g.]If you hitchhike, you travel by getting lifts from passing vehicles without paying.
  10. sedate (adj.) 鎮定的;泰然的;不慌不忙的
    [e.g.]If you move along at a sedate pace, you move slowly, in a controlled way.

Reflect on his thought:

I have to say that I really enjoy the assignment on this week, because Steve Job’s speech brought me much inspiration. 'You've got to find what you love' Jobs says

“Stay hungry, stay foolish” I interpreted that life is once, but learning is endless. Never enough, just keep going and learning. Sometimes we feel sick of studying, maybe we can’t connect the dots looking forward, also can only connect them looking backwards. No matter how the future would like, we have to have the courage to follow our heart and intuition, because they somehow already know what you truly want to become. How important to find the things what we love, then we can get the confident to keep going that we love what we did.

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