Monday, November 16, 2009

Assignment5: Studio Classroom 10/22,23

Day/Date Time :10/22, Nov. 10:00 to 10:40
Program/Station/Title:Decorating for the Holiday
  • grill out 戶外燒烤
  • grill 烤肉架
  • knickknack 小裝飾品
  • DIY= Do It Yourself
  • particular (adj.) =especially ; particularly (adv.)
    "in particular" 尤其,特別地
  • von fire 營火
  • strictly (adv.) 嚴格地;確切地
    "we talked strictly business" 我們只談論公事
    "strictly speaking" 嚴格說來

Day/Date Time :10/23, Nov. 10:45 to 11:15
Program/Station/Title:Decorating for the Holiday

  • lighten up = be relaxed 放輕鬆,別擔憂
    (e.g.)If someone tells you to lighten up, they think you should be less serious and make an effort to be more relaxed and happy.
  • sky-high =very high; too high 很高,極高的
    (e.g.)If you say that prices or confidence are sky-high, you are emphasizing that they are at a very high level.
  • sled (n.) 雪橇 [sledded; sledded; sledding ]
  • sleding (v.) 滑雪橇
    (e.g.)If you go sledding, you ride on a sled.
  • build snow man 做雪人
  • have snow ball fight 打雪仗

English Studio Classroom provide lots of living English, that's good for us to learn the native styling and use the correct word in the correct situation. Sometimes the kind of living vocabulary or phrases are not easy to use the translation tools to find the meaning. for example, I couldn't find the interpretation of" grill out" by using the google dictionary.

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