Tuesday, October 27, 2009


confidence +" in " (n.)
e.g. She lacks confidence in herself.

Have you Googled today?

Here are some useful sentence:
We have revised our project based on the perfect suggestions you gave us last week.
Attached please find the revised version.
If further revision is needed, please don't hesitate to let us know.

• the original copy of a book or article before it is printed
He sent the 400-page manuscript to his publisher.
• an old document or book written by hand in the times before printing was invented
It is thought that the manuscript is the work of a monk and dates from the twelfth century.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Assignment 4: Use the concordance tools to answer the question

  • By using the 「Virtual Language Centre」,
    The whole sentence can help us to get clear how to use these two words in one sentence:

1. Yet it is the large collaborative projects that have provided some of the most significant advances.
2. Latch's latest achievement is to convert a large house.
3. Large numbers of unattached males for whom status is defined by predatory sexual behaviour and violent seizure of other people's property

1. An Awfully Big Adventure in which he plays a powdered and bewigged member of a theatrical troupe.
2. Even the big boys want to see the big boys fall, as long as it's not them.
3. The 10 per cent rise in compensation is definitely a big boost in consumer protection.

  • By using「WebCOLL- Wikipedia Edition」,
    To get more information, I chose the top 5 which are frequently used in these two words.

However, the difference lies in the contexts in which they're used.


Above of all the results, i can image that "Large" implies to all types of measuring things which are measuring with a length and breadth, but "Big" implies to all types of things which are measuring by a size.

Big can be used figuratively in ways that large cannot; large tends to be restricted to speaking of actual physical size or some kind of numerically measurable distinction.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Assignment 3:10/16 Studio Classroom

  • avatar:(n.)化身
    【defination 1】(in Hinduism and Buddhism) a god appearing in a physical form
    【defination 2】in computing, an image which represents you in online games, chat rooms, etc. and which you can move around the screen using the mouse or keys.
    【e.g.】a new personification of a familiar idea; "the embodiment of hope"; "the incarnation of evil"; "the very avatar of cunning"

  • aggressive:(adj.) 好鬥的;挑釁的;侵略的;富於攻擊性的;進取的
    【defination】angry, and behaving in a threatening way; ready to attack
    【e.g.】As a teenager Sean was aggressive and moody.
    【defination】behaving in a very determined and forceful way in order to succeed
    【e.g.】 A dangerous aggressive dog.

  • don't get personal:(phrase)別參雜個人因素;別太私人性質的
    【defination】Protecting someone’s privacy.
    【e.g.】If you must correct someone, don’t get personal about it. Do it never in front of others.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Excercise:Beautiful vs. Pretty

What is the difference between Beautiful and Pretty?
According to the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary...

beautiful (adj.) 漂亮的;完美的
【define】having an attractive quality that gives pleasure to those who experience it or think about it
【e.g.】I thought she was the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen.
The scenery around here is beautiful.
It was a beautiful plan.

pretty(adj.) 令人愉快的; (用於女性,小孩及小物件)漂亮的;可愛的
【define】pleasant to look at, or (especially of girls or women or things connected with them) attractive or pleasant in a delicate way
【e.g.】That's a pretty hat you're wearing.
The sofa was covered in very pretty flowery material.
She's got such a pretty daughter.

To my opinion:
The word "pretty" suggests that the person or object is pleasant to look at, but not necessarily impressive. When you say that something is "beautiful" what you mean is that it is very close to perfection.

Assignment 2:Olympic Sports

To get the English definition, I use the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary.
To get the Chinese translation, I use the Google Online Dictionary.

Here are ten Olympic sports:

1. Equestrian:(n.)騎馬者;馬術家 (adj.)馬的;騎術的;騎馬者的
(n.) a person who rides horses, especially as a job or very skilfully
(adj.) connected with the riding of horses.
【e.g.】They all showed extraordinary equestrian skill.

2. Hurdles:(n.)跨欄;欄架;跨欄賽;難關;障礙 (v.)參加跨欄賽;跳越
(v.) to run in a race in which there are hurdles to be jumped over, or to jump over something while running.
(n.) a frame or fence for jumping over in a race.
【e.g.】He won the 400 metres hurdles.

3. Gymnastics:(n.)體操;體操訓練
(n.) a sport in which you do physical exercises on the floor and on different pieces of equipment, often in competitions.
【e.g.】I love to watch the gymnastics program.

4. Javelin:(n.)標槍
(n.) a long, pointed stick that you throw as a sport.
【e.g.】He poised the javelin in his hand before throw it.

5. Martial arts:(n.)武術
(n.) a sport that is a traditional Japanese or Chinese form of fighting or defending yourself.
【e.g.】He is extremely skillful in martial arts.

6. Wrestling:(n.) 摔跤
(n.) a sport in which two people fight and try to push each other to the ground
【e.g.】He wrestled his opponent to the ground.

7. Badminton:(n.) 羽毛球
(n.) a sport in which two or four people hit a shuttlecock (= a light object with feathers) over a high net.
【e.g.】I plan to take badminton this semester.

8. Archery:(n.) 射箭術;射箭運動
(n.) a sport in which you shoot arrows
【e.g.】Archery is a challenging sport that requires archers to shoot arrows at targets look smaller than coins.

9. Diving:(n.) 跳水;潛水
(n.) the sport of diving (= jumping) into water or swimming under water.
【e.g.】I'm head over heels about skin-diving.

10. Fencing:(n.) 擊劍運動;劍術
(n.) the sport of fighting with thin swords (= weapons like long knives).
【e.g.】Her fencing is very consummating.

Assignment 1:Introduction

My name is Hui-Ting Chang,
just called me Ting~^ ^
I am the junior at Management Information System department in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology.

Travel is my second life,
going around the world is my dream and what I’m doing.
I love to meet people who share the same personality with me.
How to describe myself?
I am such a person who as shy as Taiwanese, as polite as Japanese, as romantic as French, as business-savvy as Dutch, and as smiley as Italian.
The reason for named Ting as my English name is to remind myself
no matter where am I, I still have to remember where I come from.

When we haave somthing, let us cherish it;
When we do not, let us be content.
Every single day of our life is like a blank page in our diary;
Every person we meet or every event we participate in is a lively essay. Thank you to stop by my blog and colorful my life!