Monday, October 5, 2009

Excercise:Beautiful vs. Pretty

What is the difference between Beautiful and Pretty?
According to the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary...

beautiful (adj.) 漂亮的;完美的
【define】having an attractive quality that gives pleasure to those who experience it or think about it
【e.g.】I thought she was the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen.
The scenery around here is beautiful.
It was a beautiful plan.

pretty(adj.) 令人愉快的; (用於女性,小孩及小物件)漂亮的;可愛的
【define】pleasant to look at, or (especially of girls or women or things connected with them) attractive or pleasant in a delicate way
【e.g.】That's a pretty hat you're wearing.
The sofa was covered in very pretty flowery material.
She's got such a pretty daughter.

To my opinion:
The word "pretty" suggests that the person or object is pleasant to look at, but not necessarily impressive. When you say that something is "beautiful" what you mean is that it is very close to perfection.

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