Monday, October 5, 2009

Assignment 2:Olympic Sports

To get the English definition, I use the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary.
To get the Chinese translation, I use the Google Online Dictionary.

Here are ten Olympic sports:

1. Equestrian:(n.)騎馬者;馬術家 (adj.)馬的;騎術的;騎馬者的
(n.) a person who rides horses, especially as a job or very skilfully
(adj.) connected with the riding of horses.
【e.g.】They all showed extraordinary equestrian skill.

2. Hurdles:(n.)跨欄;欄架;跨欄賽;難關;障礙 (v.)參加跨欄賽;跳越
(v.) to run in a race in which there are hurdles to be jumped over, or to jump over something while running.
(n.) a frame or fence for jumping over in a race.
【e.g.】He won the 400 metres hurdles.

3. Gymnastics:(n.)體操;體操訓練
(n.) a sport in which you do physical exercises on the floor and on different pieces of equipment, often in competitions.
【e.g.】I love to watch the gymnastics program.

4. Javelin:(n.)標槍
(n.) a long, pointed stick that you throw as a sport.
【e.g.】He poised the javelin in his hand before throw it.

5. Martial arts:(n.)武術
(n.) a sport that is a traditional Japanese or Chinese form of fighting or defending yourself.
【e.g.】He is extremely skillful in martial arts.

6. Wrestling:(n.) 摔跤
(n.) a sport in which two people fight and try to push each other to the ground
【e.g.】He wrestled his opponent to the ground.

7. Badminton:(n.) 羽毛球
(n.) a sport in which two or four people hit a shuttlecock (= a light object with feathers) over a high net.
【e.g.】I plan to take badminton this semester.

8. Archery:(n.) 射箭術;射箭運動
(n.) a sport in which you shoot arrows
【e.g.】Archery is a challenging sport that requires archers to shoot arrows at targets look smaller than coins.

9. Diving:(n.) 跳水;潛水
(n.) the sport of diving (= jumping) into water or swimming under water.
【e.g.】I'm head over heels about skin-diving.

10. Fencing:(n.) 擊劍運動;劍術
(n.) the sport of fighting with thin swords (= weapons like long knives).
【e.g.】Her fencing is very consummating.

1 comment:

  1. Good job.
    One minor thing. The abbreviation for "for example" should be "e.g."
