Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Assignment 4: Use the concordance tools to answer the question

  • By using the 「Virtual Language Centre」,
    The whole sentence can help us to get clear how to use these two words in one sentence:

1. Yet it is the large collaborative projects that have provided some of the most significant advances.
2. Latch's latest achievement is to convert a large house.
3. Large numbers of unattached males for whom status is defined by predatory sexual behaviour and violent seizure of other people's property

1. An Awfully Big Adventure in which he plays a powdered and bewigged member of a theatrical troupe.
2. Even the big boys want to see the big boys fall, as long as it's not them.
3. The 10 per cent rise in compensation is definitely a big boost in consumer protection.

  • By using「WebCOLL- Wikipedia Edition」,
    To get more information, I chose the top 5 which are frequently used in these two words.

However, the difference lies in the contexts in which they're used.


Above of all the results, i can image that "Large" implies to all types of measuring things which are measuring with a length and breadth, but "Big" implies to all types of things which are measuring by a size.

Big can be used figuratively in ways that large cannot; large tends to be restricted to speaking of actual physical size or some kind of numerically measurable distinction.

1 comment:

  1. Very good try! Most of your rules are correct, but some are not quite true.
